Operations Panel

How PoLo is operated.

Operations Panel

The PoLo Operations Panel is where you will interact with the package once you’ve set up you operation. Once your frequency and mode have been entered (which may have been picked up from your previous operation) the left pointing (or less than) arrow exapnds the operations panel to show all available interactions. Tapping the Controls (settings) wheel will reveal any that are available, but not set with the operation. This might be useful when a caller from an unexpected award system such as UKBOTA or SiOTA call you. Selecting them from the More Controls section will make them available for use within the Active Controls. Once the selection is complete back out of the Controls section by tapping the Controls wheel.

Tapping an Active Control will provide the appropriate fields for infomation to be entered, eg P2P will enable park details to be entered in addition to the contact details. The Notes control is for per contact information to be added, and the More Control displays all information stored for the QSO.

The Callsign Information Panel can show various pieces of information dependant on your installation and circumstances.

  • If you entered a qrz.com account in PoLo settings then the name and location held for your contact will be displayed.
  • If you subscribe to qrz.com then their bearing and distance will also be displayed (assuming your contact has location details set at qrz.com)
  • You should also see a country flag, and occasionally an emoji, that contact is in the Ham2K Hams of Note list meaning for these is covered in the emojis area of the manual.
  • If you’ve worked a station previously then the number of contacts and time period will be displayed.

Once QSO details are entered, tapping the up arrow will save them into the operation log. Tapping that QSO or an other within the operation log will bring the details into the Callsign Information Panel where you can change them and save them by tapping the save icon, or delete the QSO with the trash can icon, which will need to be tapped twice before the QSO is lined through in the operation log. Even then it can be recovered by tapping it in the operation log, then then undo arrow, and then the save icon again.