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PoLo Features

A review of some of the features available in PoLo.

1 - Tips and Tricks

Helpful hints and shortcuts for using PoLo.

Shortcut Commands from the Callsign Input Field

When you are in the callsign input field, you can use the following shortcuts, always followed by the [Send] key or button on the screen:

  • Enter a band or mode to change the current band or mode. For example 20m or CW.

  • Enter a frequency to change the current frequency (and band). For example 14.070 or 14070.

  • Enter a power level to change the current power level. For example 5W or 100W.

  • Enter a new decimal frequency to change just part of the current frequency. For example, if you are on 14.245 and you type .247, the frequency will change to 14.247.

  • Enter a time or date to change the QSO time. For example 14:30 or 14:30:25 for time, or 05-09 for May 9th.

  • Enter a time difference to change the QSO time. For example, if you are logging a QSO at 14:30 and you type +15m, the time will change to 14:45. If you type -1h, the time will change to 13:30. You can use h for hours, m for minutes, and s for seconds, as well as d for days and w for weeks.

  • Enter SPOTME or SPME to self-spot with current frequency and mode. You can add a short comment after a /, such as SPME/QRV.

  • Change operators with OPER/ or OP/ followed by the new operator’s callsign.

  • Enter KONAMI to enable or disable Developer Mode.

Smart Data Entry

In most activation reference fields (POTA, SOTA, etc) you only need to enter letters and number, and PoLo will automatically fill in any dashes and slashes. And in many cases you can skip the prefix too and PoLo will guess it from the callsign.

So for a POTA Park-to-Park contact with, say, LB4FH in NO-2518, you can just enter 2518 and PoLo will fill in the rest.

For SOTA reference VK1/AC-001, all you need is to enter VK1AC001.

Quick field selection

Use the [space] key to quickly select the next field in the form. This is especially useful when you are logging a lot of contacts and want to keep your hands on the keyboard.

Also, if the report is just 59, you can leave the field empty.

Some keyboards also support using the [tab] key to move to the next field, but this can be less reliable. We’re working on expanding this to more keyboards, but iOS and Android make it harder to deal with these keys than desktop operating systems.

Multiple QSOs at once

You can use commas to enter more than one callsign at a time and PoLo will log them as separate QSOs. This is useful, for example, when you log a POTA Park-to-park contact with multiple operators on the other end.

This also works when editing existing QSOs if you want to duplicate the information for another operator.

Smart Slash

Most phone and tablet keyboards make it hard to enter a slash (/) character, which is often needed when logging callsigns like WV3H/VE or VK1AO/P. A period (.) can be used instead and PoLo will convert it to a slash.

Bearing and distance

Entering your credentials in Settings > Accounts > QRZ will enable PoLo to provide details of contacts you make. If you have a subscription it will also provide bearing and distance information to your contact.

2 - Operations Panel

How PoLo is operated.

Operations Panel

The PoLo Operations Panel is where you will interact with the package once you’ve set up you operation. Once your frequency and mode have been entered (which may have been picked up from your previous operation) the left pointing (or less than) arrow exapnds the operations panel to show all available interactions. Tapping the Controls (settings) wheel will reveal any that are available, but not set with the operation. This might be useful when a caller from an unexpected award system such as UKBOTA or SiOTA call you. Selecting them from the More Controls section will make them available for use within the Active Controls. Once the selection is complete back out of the Controls section by tapping the Controls wheel.

Tapping an Active Control will provide the appropriate fields for infomation to be entered, eg P2P will enable park details to be entered in addition to the contact details. The Notes control is for per contact information to be added, and the More Control displays all information stored for the QSO.

The Callsign Information Panel can show various pieces of information dependant on your installation and circumstances.

  • If you entered a account in PoLo settings then the name and location held for your contact will be displayed.
  • If you subscribe to then their bearing and distance will also be displayed (assuming your contact has location details set at
  • You should also see a country flag, and occasionally an emoji, that contact is in the Ham2K Hams of Note list meaning for these is covered in the emojis area of the manual.
  • If you’ve worked a station previously then the number of contacts and time period will be displayed.

Once QSO details are entered, tapping the up arrow will save them into the operation log. Tapping that QSO or an other within the operation log will bring the details into the Callsign Information Panel where you can change them and save them by tapping the save icon, or delete the QSO with the trash can icon, which will need to be tapped twice before the QSO is lined through in the operation log. Even then it can be recovered by tapping it in the operation log, then then undo arrow, and then the save icon again.

3 - Self-spotting

Spotting yourself for activities that support it, like POTA, WWFF, and GMA.

When an operation begins PoLo will enable you to send an activation spot. Reveal the Spotting button using the left pointing arrow in the details area; pressing the button will give you a chance to add a comment to the spot. The spot button will display icons for each of the activities included in the operation that provide self-spotting services.

Re-spotting is done in the same way, with QSY or QRT entered into the Comments window depending on the operators actions.

You can also self-spot by using the SPOTME or just SPME commands in the callsign entry field. You can add a short comment after a /, such as SPME/QRV.

PoLo currently supports receiving spots for POTA, SOTA and WWFF, clicking any spot within the list on the spots tab will put all of that contact’s details into a new slot on the QSO tab enabling quick and easy contact to be made.

4 - Band and Modes

Understanding how to select bands and modes for operations.

Select the Bands and Modes you operate on

All frequency bands and modes that PoLo supports are made available for use from Settings > Logging Settings > Bands & Modes. Initially the common bands and modes are available, this can be changed to all bands, and all modes by tapping ‘Show all bands’ or ‘Show more modes’ at the bottom of each section.

Once you have access to the band or mode you’re searching for enable it by using its switch. Backing out of that page to the Logging Settings page will show you the bands and modes available to be used in a new operation.

Enabling other modes and bands

The list of the most popular modes and bands are enabled by default. There are numerous other bands and modes available and can be enabled by the user.

Bands and Modes

To enable more Bands or Modes, first select Logging Settings then click Bands and Modes. The currently available bands and modes are listed on the next screen which allows for more to be enabled by clicking the slider controls. Still more bands and modes are available behind the Show all bands or Show more modes item.

More Bands and Modes

Once open, the Bands & Modes page will show even more bands or modes. Enable the bands or modes desired using the slider controls and return to Operation Settings

Enable Modes

5 - Callsign Notes

Custom notes for callsigns that are shown while logging

Callsign Notes” is a feature that allows you to show short notes for specific callsigns in the logging screen. This can be useful to remember the name of a friend, or to know if a station is a member of a club or a special event station.

PoLo comes with a built-in file, called “Ham2K’s Hams of Note”, but you can add as many additional files as you want, and enable and disable them as needed.

The built-in Notes include emojis such as 🧑‍💻, 👷, 📺, 💻, 🌳 and others, so if you see one in the logs somewhere, this is where they come from.

Custom Files

Custom callsign notes are stored as simple text files, one call per line followed by information you wish to show in the logging screen.

If the information starts with an emoji, it will be shown in log and spotting entries.

Empty lines, and lines that start with # are ignored.

File Format

An example of the simplest format used for the file would be:

VK1AO Alan
VK4KC Marty
KI2D Sebastián
# etc

The file also supports simplified markdown tags similar to the ones used on GitHub. So you may supply hyperlinks and text formatting which is then used by PoLo to display the text.

File storage and access

Once this file is created, you may place the file in your favourite cloud storage folder and copy the public link for the file to be installed into PoLo.

The URL you provide must be a direct link to the file in plain text, and not a link to a web page that contains the file as it’s often the case for file sharing tools and cloud storage services.

However, PoLo knows how to handle some cloud storage services, and can automatically convert the link to a direct link. This is currently supported for Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive and Google Docs.

Step 1:

In the application Settings, tap Data Settings.

Step 1

Step 2:

In the Data Settings, tap Callsign Notes

Step 2

Step 3:

In the Callsign Notes page, click on + Add a new file then give the file a name and copy the url into the Location field. Activate the file with the slider control.

Step 3

Step 4:

In the Custom window, provide a name for your files and paste the url for the file into the Location field

Step 4

Step 5:

Click Done to return to the Callsign Notes, then enable the file you have added by using the slider control

Step 5

Step 6:

From this point, you may return to the Offline Data page and click on the file name so you can Refresh the file. This action will pull the file onto the device. The date and time of the last update is shown in this dialog so future refresh actions can be managed as your wish. Click Done.

Step 6

6 - Emojis

What do the emojis in the log mean?

What do the emojis mean?

Every now and then you will see an emoji within the Callsign Info Panel, for example if you enter KI2D you'll get the following: 🤩 Sebastián - Ham2K PoLo Creator.

You can expect to see any of the following, and some others too:
🧑‍💻 - Ham2K PoLo contributor
👷 - Ham2K Test Crew
📺 - YouTuber
💻 - Software developer

In addition, it’s possible to add your own list of callsigns with details (and emojis) using the Settings > Data Settings > Custom Callsign Notes option. You can link to your offsite list which could include POTA friends, fellow club members etc.

7 - Online and Offline

What does PoLo need to be online for?

Online and Offline

During an operation PoLo only needs an Internet connection to enable spotting, and to pull contact data from, all other data is stored on your device.

These offline data files, those within the Settings > Offline Data area along with those in Settings Callsign Notes synchronise periodically dependant on how often they might change. Callsign Notes update daily; the well established programmes such as SOTA update every 3 months or so, but POTA and WWFF are set to update monthly due to their possibilty of expanding as more sites are included within those programmes.

Each of these data sets can be refreshed manually by selecting them in the Data Settings area, and tapping Refresh on the pop-up.

8 - Developer Mode

Advanced features for developers and brave users.

WARNING: Using Developer Mode features can increase the chances of crashes and data loss. Use with caution.

To enable Developer Mode, start a new operation, or open an existing one, type KONAMI in the callsign input field, and press the [Send] key (or [RETURN] or [ENTER]) in your keyboard.

You should see a short message confirming that the mode is now enabled.

You can use this same procedure to toggle it off.

You will now find new features and options in the app, usually highlighted in an orange color.

Developer Mode Features

Unstable Versions

In the Deverloper Settings you can now select between three different “update channels”:

  • Stable: The default channel, with the most stable and tested versions.

  • Unstable: The latest versions, with new features and bug fixes, but not as well tested.

  • Bleeding Edge: Work in progress, with the newest features and bug fixes, but also the most likely to have issues.

After changing channels, you should use the option to “Check for new versions” to download the latest version from the selected channel.

Raw Data Export and Import

In Developer Mode you can now export and import raw data files used by PoLo, in the “QSON” data format used internally by the app.

You can export an operation in the Operation Settings tab. And you can import a QSON file as a new operation from the main Developer Settings screen.

9 - Data Lookups

Sources of lookup data used by the application during QSO recording.

Lookup Data Sources

PoLo offers several sources for data both offline and online.

  • QRZ Lookup is the primary source of online data and falls into two categories depending on whether you have
  • a paid subscripion to QRZ or
  • use only the free account provisions. In addition to this source, there is the
  • Callsign Notes feature which is data downloaded and avilable offline,
  • and also history from both the Operations present on the device and any historical ADIF data you have chosen to import.

QRZ Lookups

QRZ XML data Lookups are available for both free accounts and paid subscription. The data offered by QRZ retrieved during the query to QRZ is, however, different in each case. According to QRZ policy, free accounts provide for 100 lookups per day after which no data will be returned. Additionally, the data provided for free accounts is a subset of the data returned for paid account queries. Your QRZ account details on the website will show your Callsign Lookup Activity as total web lookups today, total XML lookups today and your daily maximum limit is also shown. The lowest QRZ subscription level of “XML Data” will provide unlimited XML data lookups.

Operation Data

Previous Operations may be left on your device and serve as data lookups in the event that no cell coverage is available and no ADIF data has been uploaded to the device. Callsign Notes, if enabled, will always be presented on the callsign entry form when a callsign match is found.

Operation Data also serves to provide statistics with regard to the number of contacts/QSOs made with another operator.

ADIF History

It is also possible to upload an ADIF file to your device to serve as lookup data. In this case, historical lookups are done across all operations plus the ADIF records you have loaded.

Differences in Data returned by QRZ for free accounts

The XML data fields returned from a callsign query for free QRZ subscriptions are limited to FirstName, Surname, Address, Country field values only. The raw data return from such a query is show below and includes a Session Message that A subscription is required to access the complete record.

In particular, queries for free subscribers DO NOT include grid locators, which is what PoLo uses to show the QSOs on maps.

<addr2>Yellowtail Way NSW</addr2>
<Message>A subscription is required to access the complete record.</Message>
<GMTime>Sat Aug 10 03:11:55 2024</GMTime>
<Remark>cpu: 0.017s</Remark>

For subscribers to QRZ, the XML data returned is comprehensive and includes the sort after callsign gridsquare and QRZ primary image link. The callsign gridsquare, if returned, will be used in the QSO Map. The veracity of the gridsquare is, of course, subject to whether the OP being queried has recorded accurate data.

<QRZDatabase version="1.36" xmlns="">
<addr1>Worimi Country - Yellowtail Way</addr1>
<addr2>CORLETTE NSW</addr2>
<qslmgr>eQSL, LoTW,, ClubLog and OQRS (see below)</qslmgr>
<biodate>2024-07-22 08:47:47</biodate>
<moddate>2024-07-31 11:57:02</moddate>
<name_fmt>Alan McDonald</name_fmt>
<SubExp>Mon Apr 21 16:06:43 2025</SubExp>
<GMTime>Sat Aug 10 03:12:19 2024</GMTime>
<Remark>cpu: 0.020s</Remark>